

Pastor Greg leads us through a series of common questions about our faith.

Why the Resurrection? - (Easter Sunday) April 17, 2022

Why the Cross? - April 10, 2022

Why the Passover? - March 27, 2022

Why the Bible? - March 20, 2022

Why Spiritual Warfare? - March 13, 2022

Why The Lord's Supper? - March 6, 2022

Why Serve? - February 27, 2022

Why Fast? - February 20, 2022

Why Pray? - February 13, 2022

Why Give? - February 6, 2022

Why Pastors & Deacons? - January 30, 2022

Why Baptism? - January 23, 2022

Why Love the Church? - January 16, 2022

Why Church Membership? - January 9, 2022

Why The Church? - January 2, 2022